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Art and Memory (lrb.co.uk)
22 points by lermontov 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

> Were some of them sent back, like unwanted Amazon goods?

They were, but annulation was better than the alternative, if I can believe "Six".

An unstated assumption here is that we ought to remember things as the size they are; would we have thought that before the XV? After all, before then artists tended to depict subjects with sizes corresponding to their importance*, rather than their incarnated physical extent.


* to what degree is video, with its close-ups and long shots, a return to pre-perspective aesthetic?

EDIT: just thinking about the Hamilton print: it's aged gracefully, but in internet time 2005 was a while ago. How might we update it? (with apologies to Barbara Robinson and the Herdmans)

1. Mary, working from home, zooming with Gabriel (and a second, witness, angel). She is wearing robes over her head, but has pjs and unicorn slippers underneath.

2. Mary, swiping through all the gods promising, in their own cheesy ways, to take her to heaven. Enlil, left, Ra, left, Dyus-pater, left, Yahweh, left, Tengri, left, Klono and his golden gills, right.

3. Mary, sending a picture of a pregnancy test with a cross, a mad devil emoji, and seven question marks, to Gabriel.

Lagniappe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI9yKr39vGI

For this year:

  Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024
  From: gabriel@host.heaven.org
  To: miryamminus18@gmail.com
  Subject: resched monday!!
  X-Priority: 1

  Heeyyyy Mary sorry super busy next two weeks can you do Mon the 8th? Gabe O:-)

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