The U.S. security apparatus surveils foreigners. If a foreigner communicates with a U.S. citizen, and that foreigner is being monitored, the citizen's communications with that foreigner will be picked up. It has to be this way; otherwise, bad guys could communicate securely simply by calling or emailing a U.S. citizen. Those secure channels should not be allowed to exist.
You do bring up a good point that others seem to be dismissing; I’m the title seems to be using a method of mitigating preconditioning, lean into the topic (gross violation of the most fundamental natural God given, Constitutionally protected right of privacy and the law against warrantless and unreasonable, i.e., unjustified searches.), which the author then proceeds to spin as a positive, i.e., a huge reduction … don’t ‘cha know … which is a good thing; totally sidestepping that the warrantless, secret police searches should be ZERO, not one, not two, not 57,000.
So what people take away is a conditioning to accept some level of illegal and treasonous surveillance.
> the FBI conducted 57,094 searches of “US person” data under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act last year — a 52 percent decrease from 2022.
maybe because... it's an accurate depiction of what happened?