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Chat with PDF locally using Llama 3 (recurse.chat)
4 points by xyc 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

One of the best looking LLM/RAG apps for desktop I've seen so far.

If you has suggestions for making RecurseChat more useful for you especially for RAG, I'd love to hear about it!

Thank you, glad to hear that!

Hi Hackers! A couple of months back, we received great feedback when launching RecurseChat, an app to help you use local AI as a daily driver. Recently we added features to chat with local documents / Llama 3 support and wrote about it here: https://recurse.chat/blog/posts/local-docs.

I'd love to hear about your workflows with local documents, and what your ideal personal AI app would look like.

Excited about this new feature on RecurseChat

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