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First Round Capital literally makes all their startups dance (techcrunch.com)
37 points by vaksel on Dec 17, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Startups are stressed. But, they are enjoying them!

stress != unhappiness

yeah, eustress vs distress.

Let's hope they code better than they dance...

I'm sure their lack of these skills have roots witin why they are technical people - I actually enjoyed the goofy dancing

Perhaps, but I still found that video painful to watch. :)

This is great. Stop groaning and start living! Yes, startups are stressful, a roller coaster ride, tough sail all of it. That makes it all the more reason to dance or do anything fun and carefree.

Just watching it made the mind so light. I am sure all those startups if they did dance in good spirit they would have had a great happy feeling too which is good. I would want to dance with them in 2009 ;)

not really news, but it is just to much fun to care about that. StartUps are a tough roller coaster of ups and downs so you have to find little ways to enjoy your ups when you have them. I know a couple of the teams in this video and it looks like a good time.

Oh interesting, I live a block away from Attributor. I always walked by and had no idea what that was.

I would have told them [the VCs] to go take a long dance off a short pier.

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