It is kind of sad that Facebook has a $100B valuation considering what SpaceX is doing, and plans on doing. One is just one particular web-profiles-and-chat service, not that hard or original. The other is frickin rocket science.
SpaceX is a revolution, not a business (yet).
In our world, Facebook's data is more valuable than a revolution.
But hey, we might not be dealing with just our world any more :)
Never will I post, on HN or anywhere else, anything that I cannot support with evidence. Thank you for correcting me.
My point isn't entirely moot though. I still think knowing things about almost a billion people, namely what & when they do things, has more proof of value today than these contracts. The cool factor doesn't necessarily mean money.
(What 'money' itself means and how it represents value is a totally different discussion)
Moreover, this Falcon 9 launch was part of a commercial contract with NASA to provide supplies to ISS over the next few years (12 additional flights in addition to this demo). When someone signs a contract with you and gives you money in exchange for goods and services we call that business.