Do you think its kyriarch's ideas that drive oppression? The corporate egregore hungers for profit, and will squeeze every ounce of value from the world that's not nailed down, ie consciously resisted. The man has already heard of "longer working hours," and the only thing stopping their implementation is our self-respect.
Not just self-respect, law. In particular, FDR's New Deal. 40 hours, overtime, unemployment insurance, social security, right to unionize, and more.
Capital interests have been working hard to erode these over the last 80 years with notable success, but the importance of legislative victories cannot be understated. Early 20th century labor relations were egregious all around the world, and they did not improve because capitalists developed a conscience. Many places went straight socialist. We saw how that went. In America, we didn't need socialism because we had Roosevelts. This worked out better for all involved.