I've hosted this software server (with and without mods) for friends and family a few times. Its pretty solid and the mods help bring additional fun or to fill in the gaps of low population. If you love WotLK, i'd recommend it.
The repo represents a "BlizzLike" server in its' entirety. The 640MB of SQL actually does contain all of the quests for WoW 3.3.5a.
A sibling commenter quipped about which quests are bugged and which aren't, but the reality of it is that the vast majority of quests work perfectly fine, including the quests that are heavily scripted (such as the Battle for the Undercity)
I am not sure about AzerothCore, but back then with Antrix and Ascent the Database was always provided separately, while the emulator only offered the schema.
Its blizz like. Last time i played was only some of the weird raid quests that we're a little iffy. But you could easily load this up and not notice it wasn't blizzard hosted (except on one about!)
For what it's worth, most of the quests work fine. There's a _few_ that have issues, but the vast majority work just like they did in 2010.
The largest issue I can think of that actually impacts overall gameplay is the thread system [0]. It definitely works, but currently threat at times isn't given or reduced in the correct amounts. The most common way this manifests is Growl from Hunter pets not properly taking aggression away