I don’t think they’re standard batteries given the specialized form factor (size/shape/weight). On the spare parts page for the Fairbuds (https://shop.fairphone.com/shop/category/spare-parts-4?categ...) there is nothing mentioned about the battery specifications, so I assume it’s proprietary. That said, the parts are cheap - less than 10 euros for replacement earbud batteries is very reasonable.
For earbud tips - you can get aftermarket replacements of many sizes and shapes for cheap. Look on Amazon or Alibaba, but some brands are more well known like Spinfit.
As for active noise cancellation - my experience has been that anything outside of Bose or Sony is only OK at best. I doubt these are any better than the average set out there. But with the right aftermarket tips you can improve the quality of isolation on cheaper earbuds significantly.
EDIT: others have pointed out that the batteries are indeed standardized.
For earbud tips - you can get aftermarket replacements of many sizes and shapes for cheap. Look on Amazon or Alibaba, but some brands are more well known like Spinfit.
As for active noise cancellation - my experience has been that anything outside of Bose or Sony is only OK at best. I doubt these are any better than the average set out there. But with the right aftermarket tips you can improve the quality of isolation on cheaper earbuds significantly.
EDIT: others have pointed out that the batteries are indeed standardized.