The jedi thing in general is such a great metaphor for the human experience when it comes to the intersection of capacity, morality and power that I expect it'll outlive a lot of other stories.
Star wars is morality for children. There are recent additions to the canon that aren't this but mostly there are 'good guys' who do good things and get good outcomes and 'bad guys' who do bad things and ultimately get punished by a just universe.
Are we watching and playing the same things? Star Wars shows us again and again how the machinations of those with power (good and evil) ultimately crush those without.
Do you think the death of the Emperor is real justice for Alderaan, for the countless Jedi, for the thousands of planets devastated by an industrial war machine?
The good guys don't win. They just stop losing. That's war.
I'm not going to pretend Star Wars has real depth, but it's far more nuanced than you're making out.
Maybe you're right, that's really not what I got from it though. Admittedly I've only watched each film once or twice as a child. I can't honestly remember the specific consequences of the bad guys' actions, I was more affected by the closeness of the bad guys to the good guys. Maybe I'm remembering my own version.
My takeaway was that power has a magnitude but not a fixed direction, and that it can easily tip either way. And that you can educate and train but you can't control.
I think it was the first time that I considered the idea that people could, for their own reasons, use things that they have learned/acquired against those who taught/shared them. Relates to, for example, the innate risks that we take when we choose to enable other people in our lives eg. through granting powers, sharing of trade secrets, etc.