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Or you could download HandBrake?

Browsers are annoying. They constrict the designer, they constrict the user, they're overly complicated, slow, bloated... I don't know why people keep pushing them to do things they are bad at.

I wish 20 years ago we'd made a concerted effort to make Java suck less. We'd have the universal applications everyone wants but nobody wants to put effort into. But the web was new-ish, and people didn't realize that hypertext document viewers would become an entire application platform and mini OS.

What I'd really like to see is something like FlatPak, but for all platforms. Basically it would be containerized GUI apps, but one repository for one app that serves all platforms. On Android, MacOS, Windows, etc, you would run your "flatpak add https://some/repository/ my-app && flatpak pull my-app && flakpak run my-app" (but in a GUI, like an App Store you control). And that would pull the image for your platform and run it. Since it's containerized, you get all the dependencies, it's multi-arch, & you control how it executes in a sandbox. You could use the same programming language per platform, or different languages; same widgets, different widgets; it wouldn't matter because each platform just downloads and runs an image for that platform. This wouldn't stop us from having/making "a better Java", but it would make it easier to support all platforms, distribute applications securely, update them, run them in a sandbox, etc. Imagine being able to ship a single app to Windows and iOS users that's just a shell script and 'xdialog'. Or if you prefer, a single Go app. Or a sprawling Python or Node.js app. Whatever you want. The user gets a single way to install and run an app on any platform, and developers can support multiple platforms any way they want. No more "how do I develop for iOS vs Windows"; just write your app and push your container.

This proposal is to offer competition to web-based conversion websites. If users are willing and able to find Handbrake and download it, it can work for them. But everyday users are right to distrust software downloaded from the Internet.

Many users are in environments where its not possible to download new software (schools, work places, universities).

The browser has its disadvantages, but it is the most widely-deployed sandboxed execution environment providing incredibly easy distribution of software.

> But everyday users are right to distrust software downloaded from the Internet.

They're right to distrust apps that run in their browsers too, but that hasn't stopped anybody. These days everyone is scared to death of an .exe but will happily execute whatever random code a stranger on the internet comes up with if they only have to click on a link to run it on their devices. Warnings that WASM is a malware author's dream weren't enough (https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/ecriminals-increasingly-use...) and browser sandbox escapes happen all the time but nobody seems to care. I can't even just pick on WASM, JS isn't much better and even CSS/HTML alone is getting complex enough that it can be used maliciously.

> browser sandbox escapes happen all the time

Far far rarer than downloading a virus.

> WASM is a malware author's dream weren't enough (https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/ecriminals-increasingly-use...)

Because it can run a crypto miner, really?

Using it for obfuscation doesn't really change anything. A coder that wants to obfuscate things could already run their own interpreter and/or use asm.js.

I'm quite sure that the reason conversion websites are popular is Google. I don't know if they're just very good at SEO or search engines have a specific policy to favor web-based solution.

If you search for "mov to mp4", Handbrake is NOWHERE to see. The 10th result for me is a Cloudflare article explaining what's the difference between mov and mp4. The ~20th result is a book called Business Funding For Dummies (no shit). Handbrake is after these. The legend says I'm still scrolling trying to find where it is.

How is an average user supposed to know Handbrake or this FFmpeg WASM site?

HandBrake suffers from the same problems as FFmpeg to a lesser extent. I have no idea what options I should be selecting to get the max quality, smallest file size for a conversion.

The presets are useful but when I'm converting an old WMV or some other ancient format I want to know that I'm not leaving anything behind.

If Java had won, we'd be complaining about Java instead of web technologies. It doesn't ultimately matter, when you have a platform as large as the web is, it's going to be complicated and bloated.

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