I have a personal email address dating back 20+ years. It’s tied to my parents internet provider and when they are gone, my email address will disappear with them. I got this mail address when their internet provider was called “Multikabel” (now Ziggo), some older Dutch people will remember.
I’m going to buy my own domain for my new email address, but I wonder where I should host my email.
As email is so important and tied to many things, it must be robust. So gmail seems obvious. But I feel exposed by that, I don’t like it. Ideally I don’t put my email straight in the hands of the USA, although I admit I don’t know how Ziggo is handling Email, who knows what they do.
I feel it should be a Dutch or European company, but I’m open to any ideas. I’m also open to how people look at this “challenge”
Any suggestions are welcome!
The other option I considered was mailbox.org, but testing the interfaces of both I decided fastmail was a bit nicer to use.