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If you installed xz on macOS using brew, then you have

  xz (XZ Utils) 5.6.1
  liblzma 5.6.1
which are within the release target for the vuln. As elsewhere in these comments, people say macOS effect is uncertain. If concerned you can revert to 5.4.6 with

  brew upgrade xz

Similarly if you're using MacPorts, make sure to sync and upgrade xz if you have it installed.

5.6.1 was available for a few days and just rolled back ~20 minutes ago: https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/commit/a1388aee09...

Thank you for this tip. `brew upgrade xz` worked.

I was going to uninstall but it's used by so many things

     brew uninstall xz
    Error: Refusing to uninstall /opt/homebrew/Cellar/xz/5.6.1
    because it is required by aom, composer, curl, ffmpeg, gcc, gd, ghostscript, glib, google-cloud-sdk, grc, harfbuzz, httpie, img2pdf, jbig2enc, jpeg-xl, leptonica, libarchive, libavif, libheif, libraw, libtiff, libzip, little-cms2, numpy, ocrmypdf, openblas, openjpeg, openvino, php, pillow, pipx, pngquant, poppler, python@3.11, python@3.12, rsync, tesseract, tesseract-lang, unpaper, webp, wp-cli, yt-dlp and zstd, which are currently installed.

You're welcome!

Yeah it was when I posted the comment too. That's why you could type brew upgrade xz and it went back to 5.4.6 I guess? But it might have been around that time, cutting it fine, not out for everybody. I don't know. Comment race condition haha! :)

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