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You may be pretty radically different from your grandparents, outliers always exist, nobody's futures are truly written in stone. But what percentage of your distant cousins are more like your great grandparents?

You don’t need to wait the answer to take into account that they most likely aren’t farmer for most of them. Though of course it doesn’t mean they all topped the social pyramid as it is by definition structurally unclimbable for most with its power distribution.

"More like" not "exactly like". I'm not expecting them to all be farmers. But say, having similar-ish religious views, similar-ish social views, etc.

And how should we measure that?

There are literally hundreds of ways to slice population statistics other than just primary occupation. Practically any of those, maybe!

Do you find your primary occupation entirely defines every aspect of yourself?

"yourself" is mostly nonsense illusion throw at current present attention. ;)

The thing with statistics, is that you have to gather data which have some consistency before you apply any statistics tool and try to draw some conclusions.

We can agree that any individual is more than the indefinitely various number of categories under which we can label this individual, but at the end of the day there only a limited amount of data we actually really have on any person that ever existed, and even less consistent set of data other many people under any category we can think of.

Less than 10%. The outliers are the ones who have stayed similar to our great-grandparents, not the ones who are different.

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