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Lezer is 5 years old. It's quite clear which won out between Tree-Sitter and Lezer, and it's not Lezer.

Sorry, but it is not clear to me. Lezer obviously works in the real world, as codemirror is quite widespread (integrated in chrome dev tools for example).

And since I use codemirror anyway, it might make sense to also use lezer, unless there are downsides I am not aware of.

I think Lezer is great if there’s a parser for your language, or you only need to support a few languages and you have time to build grammars yourself.

When you need to build a general tool that supports a ton of languages, that’s when Lezer doesn’t fit as well since there just aren’t a ton of existing grammars out there.

I see. Well I am fine with just js and ts for now, but long term I need more language support. So I probably should choose tree sitter.

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