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Oregon Brain Preservation offers cryopreservation for $5,000 (or less if you can't afford that), Cryonics Germany offers free cryopreservation, and even the most expensive providers (Tomorrow Biostasis, Alcor, and Yinfeng) are affordable through life insurance. Most of us aren't wealthy and some of us are working class. Since 2000, vitrification has replaced freezing, dramatically reducing damage, and even frozen people might be recoverable centuries from now. It's offered on a nonprofit, experimental basis by organizations with public financial statements.

Well said! If anything, I'd say the money spent on traditional funerals is more of a scam but nobody seems to talk about that.

Expensive coffins, elaborate headstones, burial plot sales, etc.

As soon as somebody tries to spend their money in a way that might actually benefit them, people get defensive or try to justify death as noble or natural.

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