I may be wrong about this, feel free to offer constructive criticism:
Step 1: Load the program and initialize my Halting Problem program's variable n to 0.
Step 2: Save the register context (meaning all the values in all the registers in a CPU) to memory location A.
Step 3: Step variable n + 1 instructions.
Step 4: Save the register context (meaning all the values in all the registers in a CPU) to memory location B.
Step 5: Compare the contents of memory location A to memory location B. If they match exactly, then exit with a return code of "This program is in an infinite loop", if they don't match exactly, then goto Step 2.
The variable n is an unsigned fixed point arbitrary precision integer.
If this solves the Halting Problem as proposed by Alan Turing, then does this also solve P versus NP?
An example of this working:
ax is a 2 bit register initialized to 0.
100: add 1 ax
101: jmp 100
ax is 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3
0 is compared to 1, 1 is compared to 3, 3 is compared to 2, 2 is is compared to 2, wait, that's an infinite loop...
Well, my program basically detects if a infinite loop is of 1 iteration or two iterations or three iterations or ... iterations, but only infinite loops and not finite loops and in a finite amount of time. This means that finite loops don't trigger my program ever, only infinite ones after a finite amount of time.
TLDR: A turing machine can run my program and determine whether any other program halts or infinite loops in a finite amount of time, never infinite only if the variable n can be infinitely large.
You cannot generally decide the problem, because at best your algorithm can only practically determine "the Turing Machine under test has not returned...yet. The Turing Machine capable of ultimately deciding the returnability of TMuT, would necessarilly have practically infinite runtime.
And for that matter, bring yourself out of TM's and you've got all sorts of other nasty constraints that make the Halting Problem Solver unimplementable in the real. What happens when brownouts happen? Single-event-upsets? Rowhammer events? You couldn't win in the purely abstract theoretical, so even trying to get a literal win in the real doesn't stand a chance.
Halting Problem is Computer Science's realization that there is always a bigger Turing Machine, much like how mathematicians understand there to be infinitely many primes. Within the constraints of the axiomatic model of computation; you cannot put a pin in the entire space. Only increasingly large swathes of the space at the cost of completely unreasonable respurce expenditure.
Or as I like to think of it, HP is the understanding that only 2 people ever understood this code in it's totality. God, and me when I was writing it. And I long ago ditched that original context that allowed me to claim I understood it.