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Switching to Android Was Easy (world.hey.com)
19 points by bookofjoe 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

> What the whole thing has shown me more than anything is that computing freedom requires that you don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Also a great reason not to use HEY, which can't be used with standard email or calendar hosting.

Yeah if HEY was an actual solution, it would be a public/published protocol rather than a proprietary service with import/export options.

Top link in there is about switching to windows. Which really is switching to WSL, at which point why even bother with the windows portion if you are developing for the web.

As for the switch to android, the article can be boiled down to: I never really used any iPhone only features (iMessage, airdrop, handoff, iPhone exclusive apps) and therefore it was easy. Except for the one (Photos) which is going to be a nightmare to have to manually migrate.

Big old nothing burger.

That being said, I would never trust Google Photos with storing my photos, especially since there isn't an equivalent desktop app like there is for Apple Photos. I'd likely move to https://www.photoprism.app

From their FAQ : « Hey doesn’t support IMAP or POP ». Time to write a blog post about how to easily switch from Hey to another mail provider

You lost me at switching to windows.

Me too. Just why?

I just went through a hellish Microsoft experience _trying_ to get Office 365 working on a Windows laptop. Got stuck in a fail loop: Create account -> Email already used. Login. -> Cannot login, account (email) does not exist. -> Create account. DO FOREVER.

The crazy thing is on Microsoft's own support (term used very generously) forums there are multiple threads with many pages on this very same issue. Imagine, I want to pay you for your product, but your rats nest of services is such a hot mess that it's nearly impossible. Unbelievable!

Converted the laptop to Linux dev box. Doing project using Pages and Keynote on my Mac.

His company has a lot of problems with getting ios apps approved (plus all the EU happenings) and he's fed up with Apples shenanigans.

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