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How do you watch a movie on the vision pro with your family?

People keep vastly overestimating the amount of content that is consumed in group settings.

I watch a show / movie with my girlfriend a couple times a week. A nice TV is still better for that obviously.

But I watch stuff on my own every single day. Personal media consumption for me is probably 8x my group-based consumption. I would wager most people these days have similar habits.

It's the opposite for me so I'm outside of your "most people"

Most people !== everyone by definition :)

I do think my situation fits current society more though. Families under one roof consuming media only through the shared TV is less and less how the (at least Western) world operates.

i am going to reply earnestly here:

shareplay over facetime is wonderful. i have watched a few big movies with my buddies in this way

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