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RSS would be really nice.

Not 100% sure this will work, but there is a Mailchimp signup, and Mailchimp newsletters have RSS feeds. Based on the newsletter URL the RSS feed should be https://us21.campaign-archive.com/feed?u=96d33fd949860389358.... There's nothing in there yet but I would expect posts to show up if they start sending out emails.

Author here. Appreciate the workarounds suggested but as a religious user of RSS feeds myself I can empathize with the requestor. Have logged as something to look into https://github.com/ianand/spreadsheets-are-all-you-need/issu...


To be notified of updates. Why in preference to email? Web feeds are typically presented as information streams while email is presented as interpersonal dialogue. Organizing your information streams into an aggregator is clarifying.

Thank you

> Why?

Cannot answer for parent post, but can share personal perspective. I love Atom / RSS because it allows me to aggregate all the information that I care about in one place. It greatly improves the signal to noise ratio and spares my communication channels for direct human interactions.


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