Just wanted to mention here, though it may not be the most subject-appropriate place, that i'm fascinated by your website (allaboutBerlin) and wanted to ask you a couple of questions about it.
The contact section on your site emphatically states that you're on vacation and not answering emails, so I have to ask, would you mind if I contact you briefly by some means that works for you, at a time/date that you find convenient? I promise to be brief and not to release a flood of correspondence verbiage. Also, in case I might be giving the impression, this is not a sales pitch of any kind. Thanks!
The contact section on your site emphatically states that you're on vacation and not answering emails, so I have to ask, would you mind if I contact you briefly by some means that works for you, at a time/date that you find convenient? I promise to be brief and not to release a flood of correspondence verbiage. Also, in case I might be giving the impression, this is not a sales pitch of any kind. Thanks!