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I subscribe to the 'when you're in a bank, read everything, even if it takes four hours' theory. The last time I set up a really simple business chequing account, the account manager:

- spelled my name wrong - spelled the company name wrong - claimed that I was an electrician - listed my job title as 'oner'

None of these are terribly material errors, but they demonstrate just how frequently errors occur in financial documents. Frankly, it makes me queasy to imagine all the errors that could pop up in a mortgage document...

"listed my job title as 'oner'"

An obvious construction error. Just as one who plays piano isn't called a "pianoer", the account manager must have meant "onanist". Did you finally strike him in the face with your gloves?

And you still opened an account at that same bank?!

Those retail bankers are like store clerks, not paid that well.

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