To be clear, I agree they are not meaningfully equivalent. I just meant to say that they are the best options other than remote, especially if you consider that private offices haven't been common for software developers for over 30 years. Private offices are awesome and cubicles are tolerable to fine depending on your coworkers.
Open offices are almost invariably terrible for employees - although I have to say that I was once in a large room with a (often closed) door along 5 other engineers as a sort of "private open office" and that was actually okay.
I really wish people would stop conflating these, as if they were meaningfully equivalent.
Like, yes: compared to open-plan, high-walled cubes are obviously much better.
But I've been in high-walled cubes, and I've been in (and now have) a private office.
There's really no comparison when it comes to privacy, customizability, and just overall the feeling of it being your space.