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I have a project for the Raspberry Pi that provides for sound localization via time difference of arrival (TDOA). In a similar manner I suppose as shotspotter.

There was a case recently in America where a grandfather was jailed for a significant part of a year based on a shotspotter localization and no other physical evidence such as gunshot residue.

If citizens in such areas run their own systems they would have a means to provide counter evidence to that provided by shotspotter. Currently they have no means to do that. Even the times of the shots they have to take shot spotters word for it.

Recordings by citizens themselves is an inherently safer approach because their sphere of influence is considerably smaller. Recordings are written to a separate partition on an SD card, it’s pretty simple to encrypt this partition as well if you like, I’ve done that.

For those who are interested each node can be made very cheaply. It will run on a Raspberry Pi zero with a 7 euro GPS. It can also run portably on batteries.

Here are relevant links:




This is fantastic! I have been thinking about building something like this myself. I'm definitely going to deploy this in my area. I hear gunshots almost every weekend. Heard 2 sets of gunfire about an hour ago.

Please get out of Pine Bluff and sell your properties for whatever you can recoup. You are putting yourself into way too much danger for a father of 3. There is a very real chance you will die by your constant confrontations with thieves there. It's not worth it. Years later you don't have progress on any business there. It's not the place to be for you.

It's a very real possibility. I believe this is the gunfire I heard: https://katv.com/news/local/pine-bluff-police-searching-for-...

This is one block east of my new warehouse.

I am making progress though. It may not be visible to users yet, but I'm actually starting to get the infrastructure set up to begin processing media at the new location, and am running for mayor with some ideas that should eliminate all crime here... If successful, I think it could bode well for the elimination of crime everywhere.

I looked to nature for solutions to predators. Predators and criminals need constant sources of food/targets, but Cicadas emerge periodically and overwhelm the predator population. During lean times, the predator population shrinks.

By periodically clamping down HARD, criminals will be forced to target riskier and riskier targets. Then the key is our ability to hunt. There is nothing humans are better at than hunting. We can hunt things to extinction, and criminal activity is no different.

Criminals that can't crime, will have to find other sources of income. If we set up easy sources of lawful income, they will move in that direction.

The choice for a criminal becomes starve, or change.

I truly believe that technology and fast responses can make the difference.

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