The cost is due to the increasing repair costs to other people vehicles, not mainly your own. You also don’t have to get collision and comprehensive coverage, or at least not with a low deductible. Then you’re really just paying for the damage you cause to others and in that case your vehicle cost doesn’t mean anything at all.
Also, not sure your state or credit score but if you’re not in CA you’ll need good credit to get good rates. The only way to change that is government regulation.
Also if you’re getting the same rates from different places, it sounds like you’re being quoted the same company not different companies. If you aren’t going directly to the actual insurance companies website, that’s what’s happening.
> The cost is due to the increasing repair costs to other people vehicles, not mainly your own.
That doesn't sound right to me. That would mean only the liability component is increasing in cost, but aren't the percentages being applied across the board?
Also, not sure your state or credit score but if you’re not in CA you’ll need good credit to get good rates. The only way to change that is government regulation.
Also if you’re getting the same rates from different places, it sounds like you’re being quoted the same company not different companies. If you aren’t going directly to the actual insurance companies website, that’s what’s happening.