What role did capitalism have in this revelation for you? I don't think it caused the chicken so perhaps you're referring to the Internet which most certainly was not due to capitalism.
Ah. Well maybe not in _this_ specific instance, but generally capitalism generates the incentive for people to put share their knowledge (in an attempt for profit) and that's what came to my mind when I watched this video. The the internet made it technically viable.
I'm 39 now. I remember when I was 9 so many things were just not knowable. Maybe a book exists that contains knowledge X, but how would I find about that book and even if I did how would I get my hands on the book? As an adult I believe I would know how to navigate the problem of finding knowledge without internet, but A) certainly not as a 9yo, B) would still take me more time/energy than with internet. This is the technical challenge that the internet makes possible. But capitalism creates (or maybe just multiplies) the incentive.