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Tests are only a second implementation if you use test doubles incorrectly. Test doubles should only be used for I/O outside of the program under test that you can’t really run locally / is a network dependency (eg mocking a SaaS service or something) or for performance (mocking database responses vs spinning up a test database instance). If you do it write, most of your tests are just testing each layer and everything below it.

I have yet to see a case where omitting tests actually helps you move meaningfully faster - you’re probably generating more heat than light and that makes you feel like you’re moving faster.

I guess I'm referring here to the unit test standards that seem typically employed by automated code review frameworks - i.e. "100% coverage" checkers. With those, any subsequent change to the system requires understanding and modifying both the original code and the set of tests and seems to end up being around double the effort. It's not actual duplication - but mocking expected inputs/outputs takes on its own system (and often programming language in most frameworks) which is not always trivial. You may be referring to something different though.

In those situations, yes I stand by them being a costly overhead - which makes sense in large collaborative systems, but not so much in small agile MVPs.

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