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What leads you to say it's accelerating? The "war on drugs" was launched decades ago. Police have been unaccountable basically forever. For each right listed in the Bill of Rights, there have been egregious violations of it that have been blessed by the courts.

If anything this seems like a relatively straightforward application of bad law. The court has actually avoided increasing their scope with more lofty ideals like equity (often referred to as "legislating from the bench").

Judicial corruption isn’t new but the open brazenness and sloppy job as of late, and targeting high profile people (President) sets a precedent that it’s now open season.

Just my opinion as a non American observer.

Have you formed this opinion from reading the actual judgements of the cases that you're characterizing as "targeting" ? I admittedly have not, but I did read the details of the cases said former president was filing about the election being "stolen", and ended up concluding that those filings were utterly baseless. With the way tax and business filings work in the US, there is wide leeway for making up your own numbers, with the threat of possible eventual scrutiny being the only incentive pushing people towards honesty. Given the blatant con he was trying to perpetrate with legal filings for the subject that I did dive deep into the details of, it's reasonable to prima facie accept the courts' conclusions that he was also running scams with tax and business records. Furthermore, in the US nobody is supposed to be above the law - even a sitting president must be bound by the law in order for the whole idea of seperation of powers and constitutional constraints to have merit. So it would actually be an undermining of the rule of law for such investigations and prosecutions to not proceed.

What I tend to do, is listen to experts and real time fact check.

So I have been listening to a variety of podcasts and YouTube commenters (there is a lot of lawyers producing content) and then pull up the documents on the cases they discuss and read them.

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