I can still remember an interview that consisted of nothing but those questions and I hadn't prepared answers so I either answered "I can't think of a time sorry" or tried to recall one on the spot. Interview was a train-wreck.
Since then I have a bunch written down that I review before I interview. It's like leetcode questions, if you are going to get them during the interview you study for them. You don't expect to naturally solve them without prep.
… which just serves to reinforce the point that the interview becomes a rehearsed dog and pony show where interviewer asks contrived questions that are compiled and put into an “interview prep course” shilled on Linked In, and interviewee “references notes” they prepared from said course on how to best answer said questions. All done while claiming to look for “genuine insight”.
Since then I have a bunch written down that I review before I interview. It's like leetcode questions, if you are going to get them during the interview you study for them. You don't expect to naturally solve them without prep.