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While we are on this subject, I am curious to know what people with hiring knowledge think of seeing side project mentions on cvs

I am tempted to completely not mention them in mine, even though I have hundreds of thousands of users

Why? Because they distract from the "clean track record" of working for big corp, and perhaps the hiring manager will think less of me because of them ("not devoted to big corp enough"). Worse, they might think I will quit my job as soon as I am able to make a living from them, which isn't true but not entirely false either

Startup CTO here, so can't talk about corporate hiring politics. But for me, side projects show that the interviewee actually gives a crap about coding and they demonstrate, that they can finish a project. They're less likely to be lazy codemonkeys and more likely passionate people that care about the project, have an understanding of the processes and why we sometimes choose business over tech.

Just a thought: if someone (like myself!) has a long list of repos of unfinished projects, this could an accrued realization that one has no time to do side projects; they have to choose business (as in having a life outside of coding) over tech. :D

And that's totally fine! It's not a hard criteria, I just love to see the style of code, how people organize themselves and stuff like that. It's actually a very good reason!

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