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Meanwhile in the US ...

a) Real economic research funded by Koch brothers and other fossil fuel companies write all policy: trickle down economics, no taxes on rich people, billionaires must become trillionaires first for us to see the trickle down effects.

b) Tobacco cartels funding scientific research purporting the health benefits of tobacco[1], a playbook now employed by all industries.

c) Lead is a gift of God and is healthy funded by auto, fossil and chemical companies which poisoned the world from early 1920s to early 2000s[2]. Though its banned now, there is lead everywhere on the planet now and is only banned because of the work of Claire Patterson[3].

"After Patterson completed his work with calculating the age of the Earth, he turned his attention to a problem he had discovered during his research. He was perplexed at the amount of lead contamination in the atmosphere. Furthermore, he was surprised that the general population was not aware of the effects of lead on the human body. This was mainly because for the last forty years, all studies done on the effects of lead had been done by doctors with no specialized training in chemical pathology and who were primarily funded by the manufacturers of lead additives, notably the Ethyl Corporation. One of these doctors hired by the Ethyl Corporation was a man named Robert Kehoe. His job was to perform scientific research to raise doubt in the public that lead was poisonous. Some of his reports stated that there was no evidence that lead was toxic, that since it was naturally occurring it could not be deadly, and that if workers are overexposed to it, then it is simply an issue of regulations within a company. Kehoe was able to persuade the public that lead poisoning should not be seen as an issue.": https://publish.illinois.edu/clair-patterson/fighting-for-a-...

d) All chemicals are healthy until proven harmful, anything can be added to food, and the environment polluted with no consequences. And there is always industry sponsoring research that whatever substance is in question is in fact healthy. Well know harmful substances take at least 3 - 5 decades (or never!) to be banned or regulated! (a) above gives the foundational basis to let rich people (aka companies) do whatever they want with the same playbook employed by tobacco and lead.

Europe is better in terms of food regulations compared to US: https://wellwithrae.com/food-chemicals-in-america-vs-europe/

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c25mqFtg6AA&t=218s

[2] all research on TEL’s health impact would be underwritten by GM, Standard Oil, Du Pont, Ethyl and lead-industry trade associations: https://www.typeinvestigations.org/investigation/2000/03/02/...

[3] Clair Cameron Patterson: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clair_Cameron_Patterson

[4] Lead a gift of God: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2023/jan/12/the-gi...

[5] The Secret History of Lead: https://www.typeinvestigations.org/investigation/2000/03/02/...

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