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yeah let's trash the planet at an even higher rate. let's set up more slaughterhouses to kill animals to feed all these new people, because we sure don't have enough of those /s

OT but I was just wondering, where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

Probably in prison (or dead) (or dead in prison with the authorities refusing to relinquish your body to your family for "reasons"). Especially if by Snowdens you're specifically referring to whistleblowers/leakers of state secrets rather than anyone speaking truth to power.

Recognizing that there are lots of Snowdens out there, I was referring to a different one and half expected that to be lost on some HN members and on everyone who hasn't read the story.

It's another case of IYKYK. Like an almost secret handshake between those who have something in common but have never met. Or a shared recollection that manifests as a hearty chuckle as the memories come back into focus.

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