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Help the Hacker Dojo by sending them your recruiter spam (hackerdojo.com)
93 points by bluehat on May 8, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Just did this myself - if nothing else it feels really good to respam a spamming recruiter.

The naming of the sponsorships (based on how much the recruiters or their organizations give to the dojo) is quite appropriate: ninja, guru, and rockstar.

I would have gone guru, ninja, rockstar and put them in increasing order of annoying, but that's just me.

I've been using recruiter spam as an opportunity to promote my own project just by replying and asking them to check it out. While the total number of responses are small, I've gotten some decent feedback and made a few interesting contacts through this tactic.

I'll be adding Hacker Dojo's note to the end from now on.

Sounds like an interesting idea! How do you phrase the reply email?

Very similar to Hacker Dojo's example.

[recruiter name], Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, I'm not looking for a new position as I'm focused on my latest project, http://iwaat.com. I'll keep you in mind when I begin hiring. In the meantime, if you have any feedback...

Recruiters love to recruit PASSIVE candidates. They DO NOT want active candidates. All this is going to do is waste people's time.

If you're not interested in some recruiter, just don't reply.

The Dojo is inviting them to work with passive candidates who are members of the Dojo in a positive framework: ie, by sponsoring the Dojo and getting attention that way instead of by spamming people.

Multi-billion $ industry ripe for disruption. I have (will and continue too) take much shit with my current and past firm(s) (leaving out current employment as I must take a "this is my own opinion etc." stance), on posting to corp Yammer or Chatter pages: Please do not spam 4,000 candidates cross-state with "Django" somewhere in a profile via mass-mailing. It hurts the brand, angers candidates I work with (sometimes for a few years, or who are already working on a project), etc." All pushed through mass Chatter or Yammer, hence visible to higher ups, going "who is this Recruiter with some smattering of negativity?". /stirs the pot.

Perhaps I'm missing something with what this accomplishes (trying to understand as a Tech Recruiter (not for long however)). Majority of spams of course = a cruddy Boolean string (or worse, 1-2 key words), selecting a few hundred people and template spamming messages. Without reviewing notes or even resumes.

I imagine this is local :)

It is effective "throw crap at wall" until 2 candidates fit for a hire.


The Reverse Job Fairs at the Dojo have been great for all involved. I think it would be nice to know which recruiters have a vested interest in our community.

Not sure it will make any money for the Dojo, but if they say it might, I'll do it.

This just adds even more work for me. I already had to open my mail for no reason. And here I thought the hacker dojo was maybe undertaking a project to keep that stuff from my mailbox.

Set up a filter to forward the email for you automatically?


If only HackerDojo would auto-add these spams to an email list we can set as the reply-to....

How do I forward linkedin requests. lol

got enuff of it thx!

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