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> Question: are you saying the final layer is "in effect" a linear combination?

Not just in effect a linear combination; it is a linear combination. There are some exotic nonlinear NN layers that are used in particular niches. But in general, NN layers are syntax sugar over matrix multiplications (i.e. linear functions). The nonlinearities are the activation functions between the layers.

> But maybe in practice the activations don't do a lot of work?

No, the activations do do a lot of work. There are real nonlinearities in the network.

> Or am I simply mistaken about final layer, does it simply have linear activations?

Sometimes you actually do use a linear activation on the final layer for certain regression tasks, but that's not the main thing I'm getting at.

Let's say that your final layer has is a ReLU activation. What is this conceptually? You are taking a linear combination of the features from the previous layer and them clamping the result to >= 0. Sure, that's a nonlinearity, but it isn't going to have much in the way of emergent modeling capabilities. You need to stack many, many nonlinearities before you get that.

So my point is that a deep neural net of N layers boils down to a complex nonlinear function of N - 1 layers, followed by a "dumb" linear combination in the final layer. You can do this with traditional ML methods as well, but you have to handcraft your nonlinearities.

> Also, can you share your intuition about the nonlinear features? Spectral/wavelet analysis? Or something more complex?

There's innumerable possibilities here. It could be starting with a method that's inherently nonlinear, like nonlinear PCA, polynomial regression. Or it can involve transforming the output of a linear function (like the Fourier transform) in a nonlinear way.

Admittedly this very tough. And for really tough problems, like video synthesis, effectively impossible. But NNs get thrown at much simpler problems all the time.

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