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Your response is very ignorant and you're clearly in no position to be dispensing advice. What you're doing is dangerous. Please stop. This is my last reply to you.

I'd like to remind you that you initiated the conversation by using the phrase 'looney bin' which is inherently disrespectful, disparaging and conveys the impression that a person who exhibits suicidal ideation is a 'looney' when, in fact, it is quite common according to modern psychiatric literature.

People do despair and do think of ending their lives, however inpatient treatment - which usually entails an immediate loss of income because most people in that state are in precarious day-to-day jobs where they'll be fired for not showing up unexpectedly - can very often make things worse.

In addition it's quite true that public health facilities are under-resourced and can't really do anything with someone that's saying 'I want to kill myself because my life sucks' apart from throw them a metaphorical shrug, some mild sedatives (I know they don't use thorazine any more, I was being hyperbolic) and keep them under observation. Maybe there's time to fit one meeting with a counsellor in there. There are thousands of 'I was involuntarily committed and they just let me watch TV for four days, when I came out I'd lost my job and my house' stories on social media that corroborate what I'm saying.

Counselling and therapy help but those are generally reliant on having an income and the time to find those resources. Generally a trip to the 'looney bin' immediately eliminates both of those.

I think what _you're doing_ is dangerous. Please stop.

And don't use the words 'looney bin' again. Ever.

I did not initiate a conversation with you. You're self-important, under-informed, and over-confident in your "analysis," and worst of all unable to communicate without drawn out pontification about things you clearly have zero experience with.

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