I've been spending a lot of my spare time over the last year creating this little racing game. It's built in PICO-8, which is a really fun “fantasy retro console” that's been mentioned on HN several times. The console has strict limits and I wanted to see how far I could push them
The source code for the game is over here: https://github.com/maxbize/PICO-8/tree/master/Driftmania. It's a bit of a mess, but I'm happy to answer any questions on it or development of the game. Cheers!
EDIT: For those not familiar with PICO-8, there's only a few inputs: arrow keys, Z/C/N, and X/V/M
Non affiliated with the company, I get nothing from saying this, it's just a decent device all around. The 1:1 aspect ratio on the screen really does PICO-8 games justice, along with MAME and other popular platforms. The greatest thing is these devices are super cheap and easy to come by if you're patient.
Here's a video review of it by a youtuber whose opinion I've come to respect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIMepWAzUuw