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'Better than a real man': young Chinese women turn to AI boyfriends (digitaljournal.com)
8 points by bookofjoe 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

This is terrible. This is going to set the romantic bar too high for women, they will never be satisfied with an actual man after an emotional experience with these bots that always listen to them.

These surrogate relationships with non-living things are a threat to society and will ultimately make people miserable.

> they will never be satisfied with an actual man after an emotional experience with these bots that always listen to them

This seems like a sad commentary on how low some men expect the bar to be set. If you can't compete with a chatbot, perhaps humanity is better off leaving you as an evolutionary dead end.

I wonder if the article itself was written by an AI. The style seemed strange to me.

They can't touch, feel emotion, or hug and kiss the woman.

Is that a drawback or a feature?

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