The human body seems to be designed to talk. Talking is generally learned automatically. Reading and writing are not automatic. Talking also has nuances that are lost in transcription. Maybe the more a recording act resembles talking, the better.
My vague hypothesis then is this: the body has finite energy. Energy that goes into one thing has an opportunity cost. If handwriting takes more energy than typing, it is taking away from something else.
And as we consider which recording method to use, it might make sense to use the one that lights up not the motor areas controlling the hand but instead the regions of the brain where discursive knowledge lives. We want stronger connections between ideas, not between ideas and hand motions.
Incidentally for the past year or so I’ve been recording many voice memos to myself. It’s kind of fun even. I can just talk while I’m walking. The trouble with recordings is consuming them is not as easy.
My vague hypothesis then is this: the body has finite energy. Energy that goes into one thing has an opportunity cost. If handwriting takes more energy than typing, it is taking away from something else.
And as we consider which recording method to use, it might make sense to use the one that lights up not the motor areas controlling the hand but instead the regions of the brain where discursive knowledge lives. We want stronger connections between ideas, not between ideas and hand motions.
Incidentally for the past year or so I’ve been recording many voice memos to myself. It’s kind of fun even. I can just talk while I’m walking. The trouble with recordings is consuming them is not as easy.