Story involves Apple - Overblown, not a threat, everyone is dumb, anyone reporting it is a moron, etc.
Story involving anyone else - Critical fault of enormous consequence demonstrating profound incompetence, anyone not reporting it is a moron, etc.
I'm sorry, Mr. Ptacek, but the other poster who calling you a "fanboy" is perhaps onto something: You needn't have even made a post because everyone could have predicted with certainty exactly what you were bound to say.
That doesn't accurately reflect tptacek's posting history at all. I've seen him defend Microsoft's security practices and for that matter the TSA's security practices, often when others are saying there is a critical fault of enormous consequence. While his views may be a little more pro-establishment than most folks here, I've never seen him act specifically pro-Apple. I think you should read his comment history and then consider apologizing.
Well, "pro" in the sense of giving them credit for being well-meaning though mistaken; rather than malicious and wildly incompetent as many would have it.
I think you should read his comment history and then consider apologizing.
Obviously I am well aware of his comment history, hence why I made the original point. While I don't argue with the premise that, yes, there may have been occasions where he was less than severe on non-Apple, as a whole, he has a profound, unavoidable pro-Apple bias that is impossible to ignore.
Story involving anyone else - Critical fault of enormous consequence demonstrating profound incompetence, anyone not reporting it is a moron, etc.
I'm sorry, Mr. Ptacek, but the other poster who calling you a "fanboy" is perhaps onto something: You needn't have even made a post because everyone could have predicted with certainty exactly what you were bound to say.