I don't know about you or your story. I hope you're doing well.
I've learned that the majority of people just don't want to hear anything negative or anything that makes them feel sad. If I want to have social, casual friends, I have to wall off parts of my life story.
Thankfully, I have a couple of close friends and family who know the reality and that is enough for me.
that's why i don't care about casual friends. i mean i do have some, but that's because we have some hobby that we share. the people in that group however are all replaceable.
what's not replaceable is deep friendships with people that do care and are open to listen.
that's no country. you find these kind of people everywhere. my theory is that the people who don't want to hear those things have not yet dealt with their own traumas (which can take decades).
You can change the subject or answer very surface-level and be labeled "unengaged" or "socially inept"
You can answer truthfully and be judged for traumadumping
You can make up a fake origin story that fits the interviewer's criteria and be disingenuous