Adding a little bit of random delay to any scheduled / triggered actions is always a good idea, and is usually very cheap to implement.
If you're on OpenBSD, their cron supports randomized ranges using the ~ operator (see <>). Otherwise, you can use something like 'sleep $(($RANDOM % 60)) && some-task', but beware that $RANDOM has a range of 0-65535; you won't get the full, uniform 86400s range for daily jobs.
If you are unable to add a different random delay on every invocation (e.g. you have an RSS reader that only allows you to specify an exact interval), pick some nearby prime number, e.g. 37 instead of 30 or 45, or 71 instead of 60 (71-60=11 being a prime is also great).
If you're deploying a whole fleet at once, you can also vary the exact timings of cron.hourly, cron.daily, etc between machines.
Oh yes, systemd in general and timers in particular do have a whole bunch of awesome stuff - I just tend to forget any of it exists, it's my coping mechanism for dealing with "heterogeneous" environments. I still have CentOS6 machines in prod...
If you're on OpenBSD, their cron supports randomized ranges using the ~ operator (see <>). Otherwise, you can use something like 'sleep $(($RANDOM % 60)) && some-task', but beware that $RANDOM has a range of 0-65535; you won't get the full, uniform 86400s range for daily jobs.
If you are unable to add a different random delay on every invocation (e.g. you have an RSS reader that only allows you to specify an exact interval), pick some nearby prime number, e.g. 37 instead of 30 or 45, or 71 instead of 60 (71-60=11 being a prime is also great).
If you're deploying a whole fleet at once, you can also vary the exact timings of cron.hourly, cron.daily, etc between machines.