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Launch HN: Escape (YC W23) – Discover and secure all your APIs
96 points by glimow 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 34 comments
Hey HN! We’re Tristan and Antoine, co-founders of Escape (https://escape.tech). We use AI inspired by chess to help security engineers and developers discover and secure APIs created by their organizations.

Here is our demo: https://youtu.be/qcCaegVElTY

Typical modern large orgs have hundreds if not thousands of APIs, and many of those handle sensitive data or are critical to business operations. The development of those APIs is distributed across different development teams that don’t always have knowledge of API security best practices. API source codes are updated frequently, making it easy for new, easily exploitable security vulnerabilities to be introduced in production environments (think the 2018 FB 50M accounts data leak).

APIs make up 80% of global web traffic, and this share is growing. The responsibility for securing APIs is usually given to the organization's security engineers, not the API developers, which makes sense because they’re the ones who know how to secure things. But in practice, it is almost an impossible job because the security engineers have no way to track everything the developers are exposing online, and usually, there’s nobody to tell them! And when they do find out, they lack the right tooling for achieving it. This is a huge risk for organizations, a pain and personal risk for security engineers, and a great technical challenge.

Working as a software engineer a few years back, I faced a data scare: a pharmaceutical client's data was compromised due to a NoSQL injection. In this case the damage ended up controlled, but it led to the nightmarish thought of waking up one day with all the data from the applications gone, simply because cybercriminals exploited a security issue. When looking for solutions that allowed developers to ensure what they released in production was secure, we couldn’t find anything particularly good. Security scanning tools like OWASP ZAP had been designed for people with penetration testing backgrounds. Code scanning tools were only finding the low-hanging fruit at the cost of many false positives, and ended up resembling security-oriented linters, turning the entire IDE red for minimal value. It felt like none of the existing security tools were built with real engineers in mind. When I met Antoine, who had previously been a security engineer at NATO and Apple, we decided to tackle this issue together and create a modern security tool that would appeal to both developers and security people. It needed to be fast, easy to set up yet configurable, have outstanding support for securing APIs, and find what was relevant with a low false positive rate.

The first step was to show security engineers and developers what APIs they had to secure. We needed to find an easy way to discover any organization’s exposed and internal APIs.

To discover all APIs, we crafted a system that extracts all the API routes the organization exposes by scanning its domains, frontend websites, and SPAs. It then enriches this data by connecting to code repositories, API gateways, and API development tools to create a full list of all the exposed endpoints and the sensitivity of the data they handle. Other testing tools do not provide an inventory of all the API routes exposed by an organization, but as we mentioned above, the biggest problem security engineers face is often just finding out what it is they need to test!

Then, we needed to provide security engineers and developers with a list of security issues in their APIs.

Since APIs act as a business model layer, most of the critical security issues lie in the business processes underlying APIs. In security, issues obtained from breaking business processes are called Broken Object Level Authorization (BOLA), Broken Function Level Authorization (BFLA), and Broken Object Property Level Authorization (BOPLA).

To find them, we knew we couldn’t rely on traditional techniques like fuzzing. We needed to find a way to model the Business Process underlying the API and attempt to break it.

Doing research on this topic, we discovered that modeling API business processes in a similar way to board games, like Chess or Go, worked surprisingly well. The underlying reason is simple: a board game is a state machine on which you can execute actions that must respect rules to change the game’s state. Think about moving the pieces in a chess game, each piece has its specific moves, and their position on the board represents the state.

APIs are similar: they have a database, which represents the internal state, and API routes, which represent the actions you can run on the state. Of course, most APIs are more complex than a chess game because they have much more routes than there are chess pieces. In mathematics, we would say that the action space is much larger.

But the models are similar enough for us to try applying alpha-beta, Monte-Carlo Search Three, and more advanced Machine Learning techniques that have proven to work well in the context of large action space games like Go.

Those were the foundational ideas behind our in-house algorithm, Feedback-Driven API Exploration (FDAE), which automatically identifies the underlying business processes and generates sequences of API requests especially aimed at breaking them, uncovering potential security flaws and data leaks.

FDAE starts by ingesting the list of routes and parameters in an API. It first identifies the routes leading to sensitive data, like PII or financial information, and the parameters that have the most chances of being vulnerable to various kinds of injections and attacks.

Often, those routes require parameters like UUIDs or domain-specific values. That’s where traditional security scanners fall short: they often fuzz randomly the parameters hoping to find some low-hanging fruit injection, but end up blocked at the data validation layer.

FDAE is smarter. If it detects that the route /user/:uuid might be sensible, it will first look at all the other routes in the API and try to find one that returns a valid user UUID. Once it gets the valid user UUID, it will use it to trigger the /user/:uuid route and try to exploit it in many different ways.

If there are no existing users in the database, but there is a route to create one, Escape’s FDAE will even be able to create a user, get its UUID, and then attempt exploiting the routes that require a user UUID.

This process, very similar to what human penetration testers and bug hunters do, allows Escape to do extensive and deep testing of any API and business processes. It’s specifically good at finding many access control bugs like tenant isolation problems, complex multi-step injections, and request forgeries.

To give a specific example, imagine you’re building an e-commerce application, Escape can detect cases where users can bypass payment steps or modify input parameters in the request to access other user’s orders or private information.

You can find a more detailed explanation of how Feedback Driven API Exploration works with graphics here: https://escape.tech/blog/feedback-driven-api-exploration/

Escape’s entire scanning process takes minutes. It was very important to us, as former developers, to seamlessly integrate API testing in CI/CD pipelines and quickly implement relevant fixes. To verify that it was scalable, we scanned all public APIs on the internet and produced research reports on their quality: the State of GraphQL Security (https://26857953.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/268579...), and the State of Public APIs (https://apirank.dev/state-of-public-api-2023/).

Apart from discovering and testing APIs in minutes, we wanted to make Escape actionable. Pinpointing a problem is one thing, but then how to fix it? Most dynamic scanners give vague remediation instructions. Escape actually generates code snippets to help developers.

We offer a few monthly and yearly subscription plans based on the number of APIs and developers in the org, with a free 7 days trial. The pricing is accessible in the app during a trial period. Since our product is highly technical, we wanted to make sure that users can explore our features, evaluate what Escape does, and understand its value before making a decision. Users can see pricing details at a point in their trial journey where it makes the most sense, aligning with their understanding of the product. You can try us without a credit card at https://escape.tech.

Our main SaaS product is closed source, but we publish many open source packages for security and developers on https://github.com/Escape-Technologies/ , some of them being widely used like GraphQL Armor (https://github.com/Escape-Technologies/graphql-armor/)

The number and complexity of APIs are constantly growing, and we’re continuing to learn every day, so we would greatly appreciate and are eager for your feedback (no matter how big or small)! Thanks!

Who watches the watchers?

If I understand the product correctly, you're suggesting customers opt into letting an LLM pentest their testing systems, and allowing that LLM to generate and carry out plans of attack.

Imagine a recurring revenue business that keeps tokens for user credit cards on file, and then a dev naively gives the CI infrastructure an ability to call out/proxy some calls to production in a privileged way, and then Escape finds a way to break out of CI and charge cards on the production system. Of course, this is a massive security issue in and of itself, but at a certain point, a human pentester would know "holy ** I should stop what I'm doing right now." How do we know that Escape won't keep fuzzing and fuzzing and exacerbate the situation, causing real-world impact to customers?

There's probably a philosophical take on this - that security by obscurity is no security at all, and that threat actors will be every bit as good at this as Escape's technology is. But for any business that's not really a dedicated target for actors (say, only gets drive-by script kiddies that are easily fended off by keeping software up to date) using Escape might be increasing their risk of a breach that is meaningful to their customers, by inviting the scrutiny of a well-funded LLM, with a laser focus only on your specific business, that doesn't know when to stop.

Hello btown, you are indeed raising legitimate questions here.

You are right in the sense that using automated security testing tools in production creates a risk. But there are workarounds:

1) Most of Escape's security scans happen on staging or pre-prod environments, where there is little risk of breaking something critical or finding real customer data.

2) We have designed a specific scan mode for production APIs, that is made with safety in mind. It will not attempt the riskiest attack scenarios and, thus will be safe for production use at the cost of scanning depth.

You can chose a scan mode when adding a new application for testing in Escape. So far, most of our users use both modes, one for the production environment and one for the development environment, to spot bugs early.

No user ever had problems with the production scanning mode.

By the way, the core algorithm powering Escape is more a graph traversal algorithm than LLMs. We do use a small, self-hosted LLM for specific inference tasks, but everything is made in-house, and we don't use OpenAI or any other inference API.

Hope that helps!

> It will not attempt the riskiest attack scenarios

What does that mean exactly?

Do you manually assess what is risky for a particular API, or is it up to the system to choose?

If it's up to it, what happens if it thinks that's not risky to delete user data?

We created specific safeguards for production mode; for instance, Escape doesn't launch any DELETE requests in prod mode.

You can also manually configure an allowlist/blocklist of operations for specific use cases.

Something went wrong. Please use a professional email address.

:))) whats wrong with my not-professional email address?

Hello, we limited the registration to personal email because too many people were trying to scan APIs that didn't belong to them.

Mind you that you can also use your personal GitHub account to register because we noticed people are way less likely to do risky stuff with their Github account than with a personal email :)

I think you guys are on the right track and this is a problem we are struggling with at my client.

I’ll test it out with them and see what they think. I will say that we were originally exploring Bright, but we had to rely on telling them what APIs and endpoints to hit, and they wanted to embed an engineer with us to help us onboard their product.

We wanted something simple that we could pay money for, have it discover all of our endpoints, pentest, and return a report.

1) please move pricing onto main site 2) please consider deploying on Azure Marketplace

The fact you’re including GraphQL is a big positive too.

Thank you for the positive vibes.

We try to make our product as straightforward as possible. It’s a long journey for such technical topic but it gets better everyday.

And we listen to feedback. I’ll take a look at Azure Marketplace.

What’s the reason this repo is archived? It looks useful. https://github.com/Escape-Technologies/py-multiauth

Hey there, so py-multiauth is a great project that we love, but it didn't get enough attention from the community for us to afford to maintain it outside of our main codebase.

Since then, we have completely revamped it to create py-multiauth v2 that supports basically all form of authentication as you can see in the docs https://docs.escape.tech/authentication/

py-multiauth v2 is not open source for now, but our eng team might be ok to open source it if there is interest from the community

How does your product compare to Akita? https://www.akitasoftware.com/

Sure, Escape and Akita are quite different: 1) Escape is primarily for Security Engineers, Akita is more for developers 2) Escape discovers API with external scans, Akita discovers API by observing live traffic 3) Escape is a proactive security tool that finds issues before production, Akita is a monitoring tool that detects errors in live traffic

Could you clarify the meaning of the term "Developers covered" as mentioned on the billing page?

Sure, we count Developers who committed to the API repository in the last three months.

Hope that makes it more clear!

I'm lost. Does the "count" thing also go for REST security scans (that are integrated with Postman or manually import the API schemas), or is it just only if the inventories are integrated with GitHub?

Seems amazing. Is this going to be an enterprise only product? Don't see a pricing page.

Hello motoxpro, the pricing page is accessible inside the product during the free trial.

Although, by nature, the security market is mostly enterprise, we do have plans for startups and SMB as well. Happy to have your feedback on our pricing btw, always something hard to get right.

Thanks! Is that something that you would ever consider putting on the main site, or adding some hints to show that that is possible once you sign up? Or maybe that you could share here?

I understand the potential market, however, as a startup, I probably wouldn't (and won't) sign up because I have been burned too many times when companies pivot to enterprise pricing only (i.e. Hasura) and it doesn't give me much confidence there would be a reason for you to continue supporting those plans since it's not the focus of the company based on not even having pricing on the home page.

Not a critique, just some feedback :)

congrats! Really crisp idea, excited to try this out

Thank you! Hope you will like it

Looks like it's limited for Graphql ?

They started with GraphQL but after a while they also developed a security scanner for REST APIs that use OpenAPIs or Swagger[1].

[1] https://escape.tech/blog/rest-security-testing/

Thank you, yes, we originally supported GraphQL only and released REST scanning support a few months ago. We plan to support all types of APIs ultimately.

I know you're writing for a technical audience and not investors, but if you can't grab my attention without a wall of text, sorry, tldr.

The « Launch HN » posts, like this one, follow quite standard community guidelines that includes having a detailed description of how the product works to bring value to technical people from the HN community.

Of course, for investors, we would have written things differently, but we are not looking to raise money at the moment.

Hope that makes it more clear!

It was the several paragraphs of history and background I didn't get past, instead of just cutting right to the value prop and how it works.

You're not the audience for this post.

The amount of newly created accounts under this post praising this product reeks of botting...

edit: some of those comments have now disappeared. Make of that what you want.

Regular HN users have flagged the comments, since obviously they're against the convention here. I've emailed the founders to ask them to call off their friends/teammates/etc.

People who don't know HN's rules often try to "help" in this way. I try to tell everyone that it doesn't help, it hurts! but it's hard to get the word out.

(Edit: forgot to mention that the comments disappeared because HN users flagged them enough to make them [dead]. You can see [dead] comments if you want to, by turning on 'showdead' in your profile. That's also in the FAQ: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html)

Have noticed under several launch HN posts - often other batch mates I think. Not sure how to feel about it tbh.

It's against the rules and if you scroll down https://news.ycombinator.com/yli.html you'll notice it's in bold text—for a reason! Unfortunately it's hard to get the message across, because people who aren't avid HN users have no idea of the conventions here, and there are other platforms where it's considered fine.

I've emailed the founders to tell their friends/teammates/etc. not to do this.

Hello, although we know HN's rules, some of our users don't. They just tried to help without telling us.

I guess we can be proud that they are our users and wanted to help. There was no intent to break HN's rules. We apologize for that happening, and we have told them about the rules so it doesn't happen again.

Voting ring detection for thee and not for me

Launch HNs for YC startups get placed on HN's front page automatically - this is one of the things that HN gives back to YC in exchange for funding it. It's in the FAQ: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html.

Since the purpose of voting rings is to try to get on the front page, that construct doesn't really apply here, unless you want to call "automatic placement" a "ring".

Consider applying for YC's Spring batch! Applications are open till Feb 11.

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