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From my observations the current rightwing meme is that women in rich countries haven't had sufficient numbers of children and measures to drive increased population should be put in place.

This is congruent with removing women's bodily autonomy, banning abortion and banning or restricting birth control of all types.

I have never in my life seen or heard anyone advocating for less use of birth control. This might be an N=1 scenario, but my bullshit'o-meter is tingling a bit.

The people I know on the right have nothing against birth control. They are just against abortion exept for exceptional circuimstances, because by that point the relevant parties had their chance with birth control. To them, abortion shouldn't be an escape hatch from bad life choices.

You make be hanging out with some fairly centrist right-leaning folks. Clarence Thomas explicitly painted a target on Griswold vs Connecticut when overturning Roe vs Wade, and quite a number of anti-abortion groups have been trying to parlay their victories versus abortion into restrictions on Plan B and IUDs.

Err - have you heard of a fella called "His Holiness The Pope"? Here is a recent summary of remarks made recently [1].

'On the subject of birth control, the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “legitimate intentions on the part of the spouses do not justify recourse to morally unacceptable means (for example, direct sterilization or contraception).”

St. Paul VI issued Humanae Vitae, the landmark encyclical reaffirming Church teaching against contraception, on July 25, 1968.

In the encyclical, Paul VI warned of serious social consequences if the widespread use of contraceptives became accepted. He predicted that it would lead to infidelity, the lowering of morality, a loss of respect for women, and the belief that humans have “unlimited dominion” over the body.'

Now, mainstream Catholics are relatively moderate in terms of many modern political positions, but I hope that the fact of approximately 1bn people adopting and affirming this position establishes that my assertion isn't bullshit. Beyond Catholics I think that the "true right" (someone help me please) have many folks (often with undercuts, wild eyes and tattoo's that they regret only because if they are discovered they will disqualify them from public life) who have far stronger views. To find out about these people (I will restrain myself from more powerful descriptions of them) please investigate the "tradwife" [3] and "incel" [2] movements.


[2] https://theconversation.com/incel-violence-is-a-form-of-extr...

[3] https://jezebel.com/trad-wife-wellness-influencers-are-tryin...

As someone who grew up Catholic, I think you might need to get your bullshit'o-meter recalibrated

> This is congruent with removing women's bodily autonomy, banning abortion and banning or restricting birth control of all types.

There is absolutely no need to do any of that. Just tax them. Tax the childless and unmarried more. Tax the married couples with children less. Make not having children a form of wealth and tax it accordingly. The results will be achieved without a single sacrifice in personal autonomy.

Tax all corporations discriminating against parents and fertile-age women in their hiring processes.

> From my observations the current rightwing meme is that women in rich countries haven't had sufficient numbers of children and measures to drive increased population should be put in place.

When you get to the far right wing, it's not just about "are there sufficient numbers of children?" but "Is my favoured population subgroup having sufficient numbers of children?"

i.e. racism

Now we're getting somewhere. The taboo is when you start accounting for christofascist families churning out children like it's a Factorio assembly line so that there are always more of "us" then there are of "them".

Oh sure - there's a lot of racism in this position.

It was advocated by the Nazi's in the 1930's for a start.

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