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They are present even literally on the pages of the EU organs that proposed them.

Go to European Commision page - bam, cookie banner.

Compare a clear "allow cookies/allow only essential" to the industry standard wall of "we care about your privacy, so we sell your data to thousands of trackers that you have to opt out of manually"

Though yes, government services shouldn't use anything but essential cookies (for which you don't need a cookie popup)

That's switching goalposts.

You said only scammy businesses have cookie banners... no, all websites have cookie banners now in EU, and it's majorly annoying, unless you use extensions that click it for you.

(The most popular one is owned by Avast. Which is a horrible company that sells users data. So... yay?)

> You said only scammy businesses have cookie banners

I didn't

> all websites have cookie banners now in EU

All the sites that collect more data than strictly necessary, yes.

Here's an example of a website that spent need a cookie banner: https://github.blog/2020-12-17-no-cookie-for-you/

> The most popular one is owned by Avast. Which is a horrible company that sells users data

Indeed. This should tell you all you need to know about these cookie popups and companies that use Avast's, or IAB's or Admiral's cookie popups.

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