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> The syncytiotrophoblast is the outermost layer of the placenta, the part that is pressed against the uterus. It’s literally a layer of cells that have fused together, forming a wall. ... There’s no other structure like this anywhere else in the body.”

> When evolutionary biologists like Chuong mapped the genomes of these cells, they found that the protein that allowed these cells to fuse into a wall, called syncytin, didn’t look like it came from human DNA. It looked more like HIV.

So the entire premise of the placenta evolving from a virus rests on the fact that the organ has a unique function requiring a unique protein in the body. Saying the source probably is a virus seems quite a leap of thought. And aren't there many highly specialized proteins in the body?

Has anybody has some more information on what protein in a retrovirus looks similar to syncytin?

Paper that discusses similarities between the envelope glycoprotein of retroviruses and syncytin: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3758191/

This field is called paleovirology, and the paper also discusses in some more detail how fragments of viral DNA can end up in human DNA.

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