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I am genuinely curious to know, what is your expectation here? He gave you credit in Github. He called it forever "indebted", which IMO is too much. You put out code under MIT license. MIT license means anyone can take the copy and fork it.

Why are you disappointed? Are you disappointed because a person of Indian origin did it better than you Or are you disappointed that because you wanted all fame but he took your code fork (still valid under MIT license) and did a better marketing than you with wrapper.

If you don't want people to use your use, put behind paywall. It is not difficult to understand.

Considering both repositories are on Github, actually forking it instead of re-commiting it all as 'init commit' would be a good start.

As you said, nothing compels srikanth235 to do this though, but it's a generally more respectable (acceptable?) way to continue someone elses work as a new project.

Also not sure why you had to bring the race of srikanth235 into it.


You need to step back, cool down and get some perspective. No rational person on the planet could interpret his critique as having any racism or even racist undertones.

srikanth235 made the right move by acknowledging the contributor list from the previous project that was lost due to this repo not being a fork of the original.

I second this call to step back and get some perspective, and mainly because no comment by the claimant here was racist, and none of the comment in this chain contained any racist undertones. Rather it seems that our green text friend here has jumped to a conclusion and inferred something that wasn't present.

Why are you bringing nationality politics into this when it's clearly not relevant?

My expectation would have been a fork, or a repo thats started with the full commit history.

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