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From what I see, this doesn't compare to Notion. Notion is not typically used as a note-taking app, but rather as an internal wiki.

It will support inter-note linking. So you could build your own personal wiki using Plume. The main difference with Notion will be real-time collaboration (which Plume doesn't support).

I didn't intend to undermine your efforts, by the way. I hope it becomes successful and thrives.

Collaboration is definitely where all note taking apps go as soon as more people need to access your notes or participate in them as a group

There is still a huge market for personal note-taking apps. Obsidian, Joplin, Bear, Logseq, just to name a few. Plume will support sharing notes, and maybe some form of non-real-time collaboration (think git-like) in the future.

Personal note taking by no means is solved but lots of much better options coming out like the ones you mentioned.

Still, my personal knowledge graph is great but only so useful in the cases when it’s about more than me. Double entry and maintaining anything is a pain especially with a lot of notes.

I think the markdown notes as graph software may finally bring some good opportunities to sharing certain tags in certain ways and not others. If logseq and obsidian could do “plugin groups” instead of installing them individually that would be amazing

Even if something is documented for myself I might tag it shareable. One example is how much I’m proactively recording a loom for doing anything as I work instead of when it’s needed. Handoff or asking or help is much easier.

What is a wiki but a set of notes?

Are we discussing a personal wiki or an internal company wiki? There is a significant distinction between the two.

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