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Polish one here.

I just skip almost all our content now and go directly to english speaking sources. Press, TV, radio, online articles, books, yt videos -- a big part of them is more or less "inspired" or straight up licensed. Very difficult to come across truly original content, even when it's claimed truly original (e.g. dancers like to tell that their shows are original, but they take "master classes" from foreign teachers anyway).

Culturally, it's annoying and damaging particularly to the younger generation. We have YouTube "podcasters" dressed in loose hoodies, skimming over such articles and making a one-hour commentary show. They can never write cohesively structured text in English, yet their Bulgarian vocabulary is invaded by Americanisms used in Reddit – "cringe", "suspense", "guys", etc.

What you are hearing as "suspense" is likely "sus". "sus" is short for "suspicious", and was popularized by the viral video game 'Among Us'.

When I learned French in school 25 years ago, Americanisms were a major part of the vocabulary, especially in cool guy slang.

Im sorry to tell you this, but it may just be that you are intelligent enough to notice, and many others are not.

I bet you a lot of people even like it and would defend it. That could be why it is prolific.

I dunno. I think people are smarter than you give them credit for.

I believe in the immense potential of hardworking individuals, and usually assume people are way smarter than they are.

My idealist bubble is often burst when I'm out actually interacting with them.

Today’s top news story about Iowa is enough to confirm.

Many such cases.

If anything, recent years have shown people to be even dumber than my most pessimistic assumptions.

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