The fact that I live in the center of densely populated area and serviced by major provider who also holds monopoly, makes me think there is a chance that table's numbers are just not what you think. They may include just generation cost, and not delivery, or there is something about "ultimate customer" definition.
Also, there were several hikes since Oct in my understanding.
I read form EIA-861, which is where the data comes from.
Looks like sales to "ultimate customers" means it excludes electricity that was not sold, electricity that was sold to resellers, energy lost, etc.
The form also collects information about revenue from delivery "and other related charges"
42c/kwh delivery sounds insane. I couldn't find much data about average delivery rates, but I plugged in a few counties here and it looks like many areas have delivery rates significantly lower than that:
> I plugged in a few counties here and it looks like many areas have delivery rates significantly lower than that:
That page says numbers are year old, I entered my zip there and it says delivery is 20c/kwh for me.
If you don't know the story: PG&E is delivery monopolist in CA, with exception of some places with local powerplants. It was found guilty in causing wildfires, lost in court and need to pay $XXB damages, which it now shifts to customers through multiple rate hikes in 2023 and more coming in 2024.
42c/kwh is initial tier cost, whatever is over limit will be charged at 50c/kwh for just delivery.