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It isn't. The central pillar of democracy is a press that follows the guidelines and ethics traditionally associated with the institution. A press that deviates from those ethics and guidelines is no longer such an institution except in-name. Without the traditional institution, democracy either fails or was always a false promise. Depending on one's view as to whether or not the Press ever adhered to such principles.

I'd argue that a Press that that acts as a political bully and overwhelmingly a propaganda organ is the most powerful branch of government, given that the government can be almost wholly corraled by the Press. The Press is unelected, which implies that an unmoored Press reveals an inherently undemocratic society.

Case in point: as we saw with the 2019 riots, the Press has the ability to incite riots wherein people are murdered, grow and contioue those riots at will, and protect people from being widely arrested or prosecuted for those riots (especially those who incited them).

One cannot resolve such a Press institution, which has the ability to threaten murder with impunity, and a free-market democracy.

In-fact, the pressure campaign in question bears the deeply felt context of and ability to threaten those recent riots.

The Press is not the same as an individual, in terms of the ability to resolve its rights with democracy. Just as an individaul is not an institution.

In order for a Press to maintain its central role in democracy and therefore do its part in maintaining democracy, it has to adhere to principles which keep it from threatening the populace and other institutions. Especially when in the midst of advertising its power over lawless physical destruction.

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