sabarn01> We don't have access to that data internally. We can't access customer data outside performance metrics about the service. At least for the normal dev there is no real way to get access to what the customer does.
On the other hand we have:
Microsoft> We and 7xx Third Parties access Outlook data on user devices.
Taking both you and Microsoft at face value, we seem to have two fairly different assertions.
Customer concerns could be allayed if their shared data was fully auditable at any time by the customer. This would include what buyers of this data can see.
Outlook (the app) is not the same as (the email service) or Exchange Online (what most companies use). Data from one product/service could be used in different ways than others.
sabarn01> We don't have access to that data internally. We can't access customer data outside performance metrics about the service. At least for the normal dev there is no real way to get access to what the customer does.
On the other hand we have:
Microsoft> We and 7xx Third Parties access Outlook data on user devices.
Taking both you and Microsoft at face value, we seem to have two fairly different assertions.
Customer concerns could be allayed if their shared data was fully auditable at any time by the customer. This would include what buyers of this data can see.